Simon Zutshi's Companies
Designed From The Ground Up To Change Your Life In 12 Months
Wherever you are on your property journey, Simon Zutshi's Property Mastermind takes pride in providing high level property education. This is with an end result of growth and wealth in mind. Recognised as one of the top creation strategists in the UK, Simon Zutshi shares his expert knowledge through various property programmes.
Each course is designed to equip you with essential knowledge and strategies. Dependent upon the route you choose. Subsequently, Property Mastermind obtains a track record of graduates who have achieved and maintained incredible results from their property investments.
The “Brain Transplant” Pack
Monthly Teleseminar
10 Advanced Workshops
The Mastermind Forum
2 day Mentoring Reviews
Mastermind Accelerator
1 to 1 Personal Coaching
pin Meetings
Transforming Lives Through Innovative Property Education Since 2007
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See what the community has to say about the property mastermind programme
"Mastermind appealed to me because I saw it as equivalent to a Masters/PhD in business"Billy Turriff
"A year ago I knew nothing about property. Now I'm taking investors around my portfolio, teaching them all about HMOs"Alex Seery
"When You Put Yourself In That Environment With Key People, You Become Like The People You Spend Time With."Michelle Cairns